About.Learn more about the NeuroCeption Project
The Team
Fritz Helmut Hemmerich
MD, PhD Medicine
He graduated in human medicine in Bochum and Essen, Germany and received his doctorate with
honours on the application of computer technology in medicine.
After specialist training and work as senior consultant in two academic training hospitals, he gained
many years of experience as head physician in obstretics an gynecology.
Since 2001 he has been working as medical director of the salutogenetic centres on Lanzarote and
Tenerife (today Eridanos Centre Tenerife) and has published books on burnout, mental training
methods and mindfulness techniques.
Dr. Hemmerich has been giving regular lectures on health topics for many years and is frequently
holding seminars in Germany, Switzerland and on Tenerife on these topics.
His first academic occupation with applied physiology (measurement and presentation of somatic
markers, neurofeedback and biofeedback) with Prof. Niessl at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum dates
back to 1974. Since then continuous occupation with the current techniques and research methods
of Neurofeedback.
From 2001 onwards, extensive application of somatic feedback (EMG), neurofeedback (QEEG, EEG,
ULP, tDCS) and increasing specialisation in CTI (Cerebral Thermal Imaging, also known as HEG).
Treatment and training of patients with CTI methods (pIR-HEG and nIR-HEG) since 2001 in a total
number of more than 2000 clinically documented individual cases.
For five years he has been organising and leading training courses for doctors, psychotherapists and
practitioners in the HEG training method developed by him: Neuroception.
Due to increasing dissatisfaction with the technical standard and the limited therapeutic possibilities
of the HEG devices widely used in the medical sector, he started in 2017 with a small team of
specialists to develop his own device system, based on innovative hardware and unique software.
Under the name NeuroCeption, a development and sales platform was founded, which developed
this future-oriented system and brought it to market maturity. This institution conducts quality
control, further development, sales and training courses for the users.
Dr. med. Hemmerich is married and an enthusiastic father of four children.
honours on the application of computer technology in medicine.
After specialist training and work as senior consultant in two academic training hospitals, he gained
many years of experience as head physician in obstretics an gynecology.
Since 2001 he has been working as medical director of the salutogenetic centres on Lanzarote and
Tenerife (today Eridanos Centre Tenerife) and has published books on burnout, mental training
methods and mindfulness techniques.
Dr. Hemmerich has been giving regular lectures on health topics for many years and is frequently
holding seminars in Germany, Switzerland and on Tenerife on these topics.
His first academic occupation with applied physiology (measurement and presentation of somatic
markers, neurofeedback and biofeedback) with Prof. Niessl at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum dates
back to 1974. Since then continuous occupation with the current techniques and research methods
of Neurofeedback.
From 2001 onwards, extensive application of somatic feedback (EMG), neurofeedback (QEEG, EEG,
ULP, tDCS) and increasing specialisation in CTI (Cerebral Thermal Imaging, also known as HEG).
Treatment and training of patients with CTI methods (pIR-HEG and nIR-HEG) since 2001 in a total
number of more than 2000 clinically documented individual cases.
For five years he has been organising and leading training courses for doctors, psychotherapists and
practitioners in the HEG training method developed by him: Neuroception.
Due to increasing dissatisfaction with the technical standard and the limited therapeutic possibilities
of the HEG devices widely used in the medical sector, he started in 2017 with a small team of
specialists to develop his own device system, based on innovative hardware and unique software.
Under the name NeuroCeption, a development and sales platform was founded, which developed
this future-oriented system and brought it to market maturity. This institution conducts quality
control, further development, sales and training courses for the users.
Dr. med. Hemmerich is married and an enthusiastic father of four children.